class was a Post Card.
I decided to post this image in the PNG format. I uploaded as this file type because it utilizes loss less compression, meaning no image data is lost when saving or viewing the image. It is a universal format that is recognized by the World Wide Web consortium, and supported by modern web browsers. For information about different file types please click here.
The procedure i took to create this image started off with the base photo or background photo which was the Eiffel Tower.This photo's original dimensions were 600 x 800 pixels. Although when I opened it in Photo-shop I had to re-size it to 4 x 6 @ 300 p.p.i. It was important to adjust the size to 4 x 6 @ 300 p.p.i because it is the most appropriate size when printing.
My thought process for this image was just make a photo that involves skating. This being because I enjoy skateboarding more than anything. As for the reasons i chose was mostly because I wanted the background image to be a beautiful place where a lot of people would go for vacations. Now why I chose the last image is because it is a picture of Mike Mo who happens to be an amazing pro skater and one of my favorites.
The steps I took to create this final product was first getting a background I liked. Second a photo of a big company in the skateboarding industry and lastly a skater of my choice who in this case happened to be Mike Mo. Now how I added these photos to my back ground using the "quick selection" tool. I selected the parts of the photo that I wanted to added and once that was done I dragged the selected image into my background photo. Once this was done I created a mask for both the images I added. I followed by using the brush tool to blend parts of the image into the background. After that I used the text tool add a phase that thought would fit the image with a font to match. Once that was done I saved it and my final image was completed.